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An undergraduate student at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Jaslina Paintal completed a summer internship and a spring break internship with Student Action with Farmworkers (SAF). Through the Farmworker Health Program she worked extensively with migrant farmworkers from forty different camps across North Carolina. Due to her work…
The interview was conducted with Altha Cravey, an expert on the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA). She discusses its effects on labor relations and it how it can be damaging to communities within Latin America, specifically Mexico. The interview covers NAFTA’s original goals, from both the United States and Mexican perspectives, and…
Robert Willis begins the interview by describing how he began his legal career working with migrant workers in Florida. He then explains the situation of farm workers in North Carolina, describing the conditions of labor camps. He has been working in North Carolina since 1982, so he describes the changes that he has and has not seen over the years…
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