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Keith Powell is a Captain for the Smithfield Police Department, serving as the Department’s Administrative Commander. Powell was raised on a farm in North Carolina, and he has been a police officer for twenty-two years. Powell explains that he works off-duty at the Brightleaf Flea Market, and that the flea market hires him mainly to help control…
Vianey Lemus Martinez is a fourth year undergraduate at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill studying Spanish. She grew up in Tulancingo, Hidalgo in Mexico until age nine when she and her family moved to Durham, North Carolina where they have lived ever since. Lemus Martinez was hesitant to apply for a legal status under the Deferred…
Daniel Correa is a junior transfer at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill studying Journalism. He immigrated to the United States with his parents and younger sister from Bogotá, Colombia in 2001, seeking political asylum. Correa moved to Miami at the age of eight and then to Cornelius, North Carolina when he was thirteen to finish…
Yanexy Cardona mentions her family’s immigration experience as Hondurans crossing the Mexican-American border. In addition, she defines her Honduran identity and how it is different from other Latin American countries. Yanexy discusses what influenced her family to move to North Carolina and how they have integrated with the community. She…
Alma Islas discusses her experience coming to North Carolina from Mexico City at the age of six. She discusses her family’s work in Mexico and the motives behind migrating to the United States. She speaks about the identity struggle she felt since arriving and her conflicts about being Mexican on paper, but feeling more American in practice. She…
Janell Smith interviews graduate student Felicia Arriaga in an effort to understand issues of diversity within higher education institutions, specifically as it relates to Latino faculty members. With the hope of becoming a professor, Arriaga is a graduate student in the sociology department at Duke University, where she began her undergraduate…
María de los Angeles Maldonado de Patiño provides a personal account of how she deals with having half of her family in the United States and half of her family in Mexico. She touched on issues such as mobility for people who are documented versus undocumented and the ways immigrants maintain contact with family members in Mexico. She also…
Laura Villa Torres was born and raised in Mexico. She studied Sociology as an undergrad and she has always had an interest in Sociology of Health. She worked at Ipas in Mexico on the topic of youth sexual and reproductive rights advocacy, where she had the opportunity to collaborate with diverse public institutions, including the Mexican Ministry…
Reverend Robert Seymour sat on the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Hospital Board of Directors from 1980-1984 and after that was an active lobbyist for improving healthcare accessibility in the Chapel Hill, North Carolina Community. The Reverend is noted for his knowledge of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Hospital…
Jane Smith (pseudonym), speaks about her involvement with issues related to migration, and the broader landscape of student activism work related to immigration in North Carolina. She shares stories from her work with Students United for Immigrant Equality at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, and her observations on the challenges of…