Yareli Tadeo
Basic Interview Metadata
Interview Text and Audio
Yareli Tadeo is a 25-year-old woman, originally from Veracruz, Mexico. She has lived in the United States for thirteen years. First, general questions pertaining to motherhood were asked as many young women share her experiences. The bulk of the interview with her consisted of questions inquiring about her experience navigating the healthcare system and being uninsured and undocumented. In general, Yareli has had a positive experience with the healthcare system, receiving charity care and presumptive Medicare during her pregnancy. Her main source of difficulty comes from not having insurance, a condition that many Americans share. She has recently enrolled in ObamaCare and is hopeful that she can begin to seek primary healthcare providers for herself, in addition to her son, who has had Medicare coverage since birth.R0851_Audio.mp3
[00:00:00] Adriann is setting up the recording equipment.
[00:02:20] AB: So could you tell us your name, age and birth place?
[00:02:25] YT: My name is Yareli Sanchez Tadeo. Birthplace? I was born in México, Veracruz, Mexico.
[00:02:39] AB: on the coast?
[00:2:39] YT: yes on the east coast.
[00:02:45] AB: how did you come to settle Carrboro?
[00:02:50] YT: I came when I was ten years old. My parents were already living here. They were actually living in California, then they moved here to Carrboro, North Carolina. It’s is a much quiet place than where they used to be in California. That’s when they decide to bring my brothers and I here
[00:3:20] AB: Wow, and who did you live with before you came here?
[00:3:24] YT: I used to live with my grandmother and my aunt. So, we were staying with her always when my parents were here, when they were traveling here.
[00:03:46] AB: Do you miss them a lot?
[00:03:46] YT: Yes I miss them a lot.
[00:03:50] AB: Could you tell me how old you son is? And where was he born?
[00:03:53] YT: He is three years old; he just turned three on March 25th. He was born in UNC Hospitals.
[00:04:05] AB: In Chapel Hill? Well duh okay (laughs). And when you found out you were pregnant how did you feel?
[00:04:16] YT: I exactly didn’t know how I felt. It was one of those things where I don’t think I am until I went to the doctor, and they were like “yes you are!” It was scary on the side that I didn’t have health insurance. But happiness.
[00:04:39] AB: And how far along were you when you found out?
[00:04:44] YT: a month and half
[00:04:44] AB: Okay so not very long. And what was going on in your life at that time?
[00:04:54] YT: I was in school, I was going to college and it was the first semester in my senior year in college and my plan was to finish school but he was going to be born on March. So, I had to figure out how I was going to be able to do the second semester, with some of my professors not being willing to do like an online course, because they were the final classes of my… I was studying accounting. So they were like its not going to be possible to finish online. So, I had to. I finished the first semester but I wasn’t able to finish the second one. Which was my last one.
[00:05:45] AB: Do you plan to go back ever?
[00:05:45] YT: Yes, it’s been difficult, with him and having to be at work full time. I’m a single mother, it gets complicated.
[00:06:02] AB: I can imagine, I have friend who are in school…”
Adriann shares with Yareli some of the experiences of friends who have given birth in college.
[00:06:10] AB: And what type of support did you receive from friends and family at that time?
[00:06:14] YT: I received a lot of support and up to now, wherever I have to work, I need a babysitter, my mother or brothers re always there. I can always count on my friends too. He goes to daycare. Daycare doesn’t open ‘til 7:30 and sometimes I have to be at work at six in the morning. So, I always have to call one of them, so they can drop him off.
[00:06:45] AB: When you were pregnant did you have a lot of help from your family and friend too?
[00:06:50] YT: Yes! A lot, especially from my mother and brothers.
[00:06:57] AB: And they’re in, are they in Carrboro too?
[00:07:00] YT: yes Carrboro and Chapel Hill so they are very close.
[00:07:05] AB: And when you found out you were pregnant what were the first prenatal services that you sough out?
[00:07:18] YT: Umh, I didn’t really do. Like I went to the doctor. I pretty much just received what they were giving me. I didn’t really get any like, outside service or anything.
[00:07:36] AB: I think that its about 2 ultrasounds customary.
[00:07:41] YT: Yea.
[00:07:42] AB: And how did you choose where to go? How did you choose what doctor to go to?
[00:07:55] YT: My mother does have health insurance. So she’s under husband. So they go to the Duke Clinic. And they don’t do any like prenatal service there, so they transferred me to the UNC Clinics. So that’s how I did all my appointment there.
[00:08:24] AB: were you able to get health insurance through your mother’s husband?
[00:08:31] YT: No, because I was underage, under their limit, but I was pregnant so… I was not able to do that.
[00:08:38] AB: I did not know that
[00:08:44] Javier begins talking to his mom
[00:08:46] AB: So you did not have it
[00:08:47] AB: and did you have the school or anything?
[00:08:52] YT: I had a united…United Healthcare I don’t remember the name of it. But it doesn’t cover a lot. It was like $500 dollars and it doesn’t cover pregnancy or anything. So, no.
[00:09:12] AB: was your pregnancy normal? Was your son born healthy, did any complications arise?
[00:09:19] YT: it was. My entire pregnancy was normal. He was born at 39 weeks it was through a C-section, because he actually had cardiac arrhythmia. And he had a little bit of a fever. So it had to be done quickly through a C-section.
[00:09:49] AB: So before then, did you have any fear that he would be born with any complications?
[00:09:53] YT: NO, I was feeling good through the pregnancy. I was on my appointments. So it was really great.
[00:10:08] AB: and did you ever feel like there were restrictions to prenatal health care because of your immigration status or racial identity?
[00:10:20] YT: No, not at all.
[00:10:23] AB: Okay, and did you…I’m sure that your friends and family…what did your friends and family tell you during this time. What to do, what not to do?
[00:10:33] YT: Not to carry heavy stuff that’s the first thing they say (laughs) Don’t eat this, don’t eat that. Rest, because after the baby is born, you are not going to be able to do that. Umh, that’s pretty much it.
[00:10:58] AB: Being in school was it hard to follow those suggestions?
00:11:00] YT: yes being that I was I school, and working.
[00:11:18] AB: And how do you think that health care professionals treated you? Like normal or do you feel like anything that have to do with you racial identity, immigration status or health care coverage had anything to do with that?
[00:11:27] YT: I don’t feel like they mistreated me, or anything like that. Everything was normal. During my pregnancy, they did recommend me to apply for charity care, that’s through UNC for people who don’t have any insurance, or have any legal status here. And that was helpful . So I didn’t have to pay the full appointment at once. So I was paying…
[00:12:13] AB: So it was a payment plan?
[00:12:13] YT: Payment plan yes.
[00:12:15] AB: I know its expensive. Just having the baby, not even the stuff afterwards.
[00:12:22] AB: and were you pretty much satisfied with your care that you received? How satisfied were you?
[00:12:40] YT: I was very satisfied. They did pretty good.
[00:12:46] Javier talks to his mother
[00:12:50] AB: and during the actual labor and delivery, what was that like?
[00:12:59] YT: Besides painful? It was long (laughs). But the doctors and nurses made everything a lot easier. But the doctors and nurses made everything a lot easier.
[00:13:13] AB: As far as like your sons father, was he in the picture?
[00:13:20] YT: kind of but not really (laughs). He was up until he was born, then he just kind of vanished after that.
[00:13:33] AB: As far as the postnatal services, were you satisfied with treatment that you received from the staff and everything like that.
[00:13:46] YT: Yes and after he was born, you don’t really get much help. Health wise because you don’t really have any insurance. So, for him it has been great.
[00:14:06] AB: how long were you in the hospital after you gave birth?
[00:14:08] YT: two days.
[00:14:10] AB: And with the surgery, how was the healing and everything like that?
[00:1419] YT: It took about a moth and half to get back up without having pain.
[00:14:27] AB: At least the pain was up here and not down here (laughs)
[00:14:34] AB: Being Latina and with your health insurance status and legal status, how has it made being a mom different in this area, or for you?
[00:14:54] YT: not having insurance, like legal status, definitely does make an impact. Sometimes, you know something is wrong with you, but you can’t really do anything about it you don’t have any way to cover it. You know its not going to be just $100 just to go visit the doctor. It’s gotta take more than that. So sometimes you just have to think its on your mind (laughs).
[00:15:25] AB: do you do like any at-home remedies?
[00:15:30] YT: Yes (laughs), chamomile and honey
[00:15:38] Adriann shares home remedies
[00:15:50] AB: Do you know of any ways to… does your son have health insurance? Medicaid?
[00:16:00] YT: Medicaid yes.
[00:16:03] AB: And have you sought out help from the health department or any places like hat to see if it scan be extended to you?
[00:16:10] YT: I have not. I am trying right now to do the Obamacare. 1623.
[00:16:27] AB: Through your employer?
[00:16:29] YT: yes
[00:16:35] AB: And so do you work full time?
[00:16:37] YT: Yes
[00:16:37] AB Adriann talks to Javier.
[00:16:39] AB: if you don’t feel comfortable, you don’t have to answer this but if your son were to listen to this transcript in UNC library, what would you want for him to know?
[00:17:39] YT: Well for him it definitely is a privilege being born here, because coming from another country and not having legal status it definitely is much harder. You come in seeking the American dream. But it turns out that its not how it supposed to be, how its going to be. So take…. Feel proud of it and make the best of it. Take advantage of it.
[00:18:20] Yareli remarks that she does not plan to have more children soon and that Javier will start school in one more year.
[00:18:41] AB: If you had any advice or if you could tell yourself anything when you’re pregnant with him, during the experience eof vigin birth to him, what woukd you say.
[00:18:59] YT: rest more, I guess. I worked through my whole pregnancy. Those last two months were tough.
[00:19:43] AB: do you have anything to have, for other moms, for single moms, what would you say as things they need to do as well?
[00:20:05] YT: definitely look for help You go somewhere an they always say social security number. But there is always a way around that. When I was pregnant and I had the first ultrasound they told me I wasn’t able to because of my status here, but I’m asking I’m going around and I found that and I found out that I have the right to have two months of Medicare. So definitely ask questions and don’t feel like you don’t have the right to have anything because of your status.
[00:20:54] AB: and the 2 months of your Medicare, is that right before?
[00:21:00] YT: back actually can pick which months but they have to go back to back so and they always recommend to get the most expensive ones which is that ultra sound ones. So you actually do get covered by Medicare during the birth so ask questions.
[00:21:30] AB: those two month that she got dated pick up because of the ultrasounds?
[00:21:36] YT: yes
[00:21:41] AB: and how did you find out about Medicare for two months?
[00:21:41] YT: when I had to get, it was probably during my 2 month visit they told me I had a good ultrasound to make sure the baby was okay. During the paperwork they are asking me about my social security number, I told him that I didn’t have one and they told me they wer going to hold on that application. After that I went to the clinic it was planned parenthood 2218 I had a friend who had an ultrasound there because she was not able to afford it. They told me that they. At UNC they do give you 2 months of Medicare so that I should ask for it, because obviously they are not going to offer you it.
[00:22:49] AB: so kind of like a friend told you
[00:22:51] YT: yes
[00:23:00] AB: ended any other moms tell you to do this or that especially in regards to healthcare?
[00:23:20] AB: so like friend-to-friend networking was it really important o you during your pregnancy to find out information?
[00:23:42] YT: I did have a few friends with babies already, so definitely when I had a question about health insurance, or anything…”This is how I feel right now, is this normal? Or should I got to the doctor?” Kind of thing.
[00:24:02] AB: did your friends tell you, “Go to this clinic or that clinic or don’t go to this position ago that physician?”.
[00:24:12] YT: no because at the clinic that was going to before that, Duke Clinic, they transferred me to UNC clinic. Right away, I had a great service. And I decided to stick with it.
[00:24:45] Javier begins to cough
[00:25:16] AB: during your pregnancy, what was the most difficult time?
[00:25:47] YT the last 2 months were the most difficult because I was tired all the time. I had to work all the time.
Yareli remarks that she has been working at Elmo’s1 for a long time.
[00:26:27] AB: how has it been seeking health insurance for your son?
[00:26:43] AB: right away to give you all the forms like for Medicare so it is not been difficult.
[00:26:52] AB: has he been healthy
[00:26:57] YT: yes he has.
Adriann concludes the interview.
[00:02:20] AB: So could you tell us your name, age and birth place?
[00:02:25] YT: My name is Yareli Sanchez Tadeo. Birthplace? I was born in México, Veracruz, Mexico.
[00:02:39] AB: on the coast?
[00:2:39] YT: yes on the east coast.
[00:02:45] AB: how did you come to settle Carrboro?
[00:02:50] YT: I came when I was ten years old. My parents were already living here. They were actually living in California, then they moved here to Carrboro, North Carolina. It’s is a much quiet place than where they used to be in California. That’s when they decide to bring my brothers and I here
[00:3:20] AB: Wow, and who did you live with before you came here?
[00:3:24] YT: I used to live with my grandmother and my aunt. So, we were staying with her always when my parents were here, when they were traveling here.
[00:03:46] AB: Do you miss them a lot?
[00:03:46] YT: Yes I miss them a lot.
[00:03:50] AB: Could you tell me how old you son is? And where was he born?
[00:03:53] YT: He is three years old; he just turned three on March 25th. He was born in UNC Hospitals.
[00:04:05] AB: In Chapel Hill? Well duh okay (laughs). And when you found out you were pregnant how did you feel?
[00:04:16] YT: I exactly didn’t know how I felt. It was one of those things where I don’t think I am until I went to the doctor, and they were like “yes you are!” It was scary on the side that I didn’t have health insurance. But happiness.
[00:04:39] AB: And how far along were you when you found out?
[00:04:44] YT: a month and half
[00:04:44] AB: Okay so not very long. And what was going on in your life at that time?
[00:04:54] YT: I was in school, I was going to college and it was the first semester in my senior year in college and my plan was to finish school but he was going to be born on March. So, I had to figure out how I was going to be able to do the second semester, with some of my professors not being willing to do like an online course, because they were the final classes of my… I was studying accounting. So they were like its not going to be possible to finish online. So, I had to. I finished the first semester but I wasn’t able to finish the second one. Which was my last one.
[00:05:45] AB: Do you plan to go back ever?
[00:05:45] YT: Yes, it’s been difficult, with him and having to be at work full time. I’m a single mother, it gets complicated.
[00:06:02] AB: I can imagine, I have friend who are in school…”
Adriann shares with Yareli some of the experiences of friends who have given birth in college.
[00:06:10] AB: And what type of support did you receive from friends and family at that time?
[00:06:14] YT: I received a lot of support and up to now, wherever I have to work, I need a babysitter, my mother or brothers re always there. I can always count on my friends too. He goes to daycare. Daycare doesn’t open ‘til 7:30 and sometimes I have to be at work at six in the morning. So, I always have to call one of them, so they can drop him off.
[00:06:45] AB: When you were pregnant did you have a lot of help from your family and friend too?
[00:06:50] YT: Yes! A lot, especially from my mother and brothers.
[00:06:57] AB: And they’re in, are they in Carrboro too?
[00:07:00] YT: yes Carrboro and Chapel Hill so they are very close.
[00:07:05] AB: And when you found out you were pregnant what were the first prenatal services that you sough out?
[00:07:18] YT: Umh, I didn’t really do. Like I went to the doctor. I pretty much just received what they were giving me. I didn’t really get any like, outside service or anything.
[00:07:36] AB: I think that its about 2 ultrasounds customary.
[00:07:41] YT: Yea.
[00:07:42] AB: And how did you choose where to go? How did you choose what doctor to go to?
[00:07:55] YT: My mother does have health insurance. So she’s under husband. So they go to the Duke Clinic. And they don’t do any like prenatal service there, so they transferred me to the UNC Clinics. So that’s how I did all my appointment there.
[00:08:24] AB: were you able to get health insurance through your mother’s husband?
[00:08:31] YT: No, because I was underage, under their limit, but I was pregnant so… I was not able to do that.
[00:08:38] AB: I did not know that
[00:08:44] Javier begins talking to his mom
[00:08:46] AB: So you did not have it
[00:08:47] AB: and did you have the school or anything?
[00:08:52] YT: I had a united…United Healthcare I don’t remember the name of it. But it doesn’t cover a lot. It was like $500 dollars and it doesn’t cover pregnancy or anything. So, no.
[00:09:12] AB: was your pregnancy normal? Was your son born healthy, did any complications arise?
[00:09:19] YT: it was. My entire pregnancy was normal. He was born at 39 weeks it was through a C-section, because he actually had cardiac arrhythmia. And he had a little bit of a fever. So it had to be done quickly through a C-section.
[00:09:49] AB: So before then, did you have any fear that he would be born with any complications?
[00:09:53] YT: NO, I was feeling good through the pregnancy. I was on my appointments. So it was really great.
[00:10:08] AB: and did you ever feel like there were restrictions to prenatal health care because of your immigration status or racial identity?
[00:10:20] YT: No, not at all.
[00:10:23] AB: Okay, and did you…I’m sure that your friends and family…what did your friends and family tell you during this time. What to do, what not to do?
[00:10:33] YT: Not to carry heavy stuff that’s the first thing they say (laughs) Don’t eat this, don’t eat that. Rest, because after the baby is born, you are not going to be able to do that. Umh, that’s pretty much it.
[00:10:58] AB: Being in school was it hard to follow those suggestions?
00:11:00] YT: yes being that I was I school, and working.
[00:11:18] AB: And how do you think that health care professionals treated you? Like normal or do you feel like anything that have to do with you racial identity, immigration status or health care coverage had anything to do with that?
[00:11:27] YT: I don’t feel like they mistreated me, or anything like that. Everything was normal. During my pregnancy, they did recommend me to apply for charity care, that’s through UNC for people who don’t have any insurance, or have any legal status here. And that was helpful . So I didn’t have to pay the full appointment at once. So I was paying…
[00:12:13] AB: So it was a payment plan?
[00:12:13] YT: Payment plan yes.
[00:12:15] AB: I know its expensive. Just having the baby, not even the stuff afterwards.
[00:12:22] AB: and were you pretty much satisfied with your care that you received? How satisfied were you?
[00:12:40] YT: I was very satisfied. They did pretty good.
[00:12:46] Javier talks to his mother
[00:12:50] AB: and during the actual labor and delivery, what was that like?
[00:12:59] YT: Besides painful? It was long (laughs). But the doctors and nurses made everything a lot easier. But the doctors and nurses made everything a lot easier.
[00:13:13] AB: As far as like your sons father, was he in the picture?
[00:13:20] YT: kind of but not really (laughs). He was up until he was born, then he just kind of vanished after that.
[00:13:33] AB: As far as the postnatal services, were you satisfied with treatment that you received from the staff and everything like that.
[00:13:46] YT: Yes and after he was born, you don’t really get much help. Health wise because you don’t really have any insurance. So, for him it has been great.
[00:14:06] AB: how long were you in the hospital after you gave birth?
[00:14:08] YT: two days.
[00:14:10] AB: And with the surgery, how was the healing and everything like that?
[00:1419] YT: It took about a moth and half to get back up without having pain.
[00:14:27] AB: At least the pain was up here and not down here (laughs)
[00:14:34] AB: Being Latina and with your health insurance status and legal status, how has it made being a mom different in this area, or for you?
[00:14:54] YT: not having insurance, like legal status, definitely does make an impact. Sometimes, you know something is wrong with you, but you can’t really do anything about it you don’t have any way to cover it. You know its not going to be just $100 just to go visit the doctor. It’s gotta take more than that. So sometimes you just have to think its on your mind (laughs).
[00:15:25] AB: do you do like any at-home remedies?
[00:15:30] YT: Yes (laughs), chamomile and honey
[00:15:38] Adriann shares home remedies
[00:15:50] AB: Do you know of any ways to… does your son have health insurance? Medicaid?
[00:16:00] YT: Medicaid yes.
[00:16:03] AB: And have you sought out help from the health department or any places like hat to see if it scan be extended to you?
[00:16:10] YT: I have not. I am trying right now to do the Obamacare. 1623.
[00:16:27] AB: Through your employer?
[00:16:29] YT: yes
[00:16:35] AB: And so do you work full time?
[00:16:37] YT: Yes
[00:16:37] AB Adriann talks to Javier.
[00:16:39] AB: if you don’t feel comfortable, you don’t have to answer this but if your son were to listen to this transcript in UNC library, what would you want for him to know?
[00:17:39] YT: Well for him it definitely is a privilege being born here, because coming from another country and not having legal status it definitely is much harder. You come in seeking the American dream. But it turns out that its not how it supposed to be, how its going to be. So take…. Feel proud of it and make the best of it. Take advantage of it.
[00:18:20] Yareli remarks that she does not plan to have more children soon and that Javier will start school in one more year.
[00:18:41] AB: If you had any advice or if you could tell yourself anything when you’re pregnant with him, during the experience eof vigin birth to him, what woukd you say.
[00:18:59] YT: rest more, I guess. I worked through my whole pregnancy. Those last two months were tough.
[00:19:43] AB: do you have anything to have, for other moms, for single moms, what would you say as things they need to do as well?
[00:20:05] YT: definitely look for help You go somewhere an they always say social security number. But there is always a way around that. When I was pregnant and I had the first ultrasound they told me I wasn’t able to because of my status here, but I’m asking I’m going around and I found that and I found out that I have the right to have two months of Medicare. So definitely ask questions and don’t feel like you don’t have the right to have anything because of your status.
[00:20:54] AB: and the 2 months of your Medicare, is that right before?
[00:21:00] YT: back actually can pick which months but they have to go back to back so and they always recommend to get the most expensive ones which is that ultra sound ones. So you actually do get covered by Medicare during the birth so ask questions.
[00:21:30] AB: those two month that she got dated pick up because of the ultrasounds?
[00:21:36] YT: yes
[00:21:41] AB: and how did you find out about Medicare for two months?
[00:21:41] YT: when I had to get, it was probably during my 2 month visit they told me I had a good ultrasound to make sure the baby was okay. During the paperwork they are asking me about my social security number, I told him that I didn’t have one and they told me they wer going to hold on that application. After that I went to the clinic it was planned parenthood 2218 I had a friend who had an ultrasound there because she was not able to afford it. They told me that they. At UNC they do give you 2 months of Medicare so that I should ask for it, because obviously they are not going to offer you it.
[00:22:49] AB: so kind of like a friend told you
[00:22:51] YT: yes
[00:23:00] AB: ended any other moms tell you to do this or that especially in regards to healthcare?
[00:23:20] AB: so like friend-to-friend networking was it really important o you during your pregnancy to find out information?
[00:23:42] YT: I did have a few friends with babies already, so definitely when I had a question about health insurance, or anything…”This is how I feel right now, is this normal? Or should I got to the doctor?” Kind of thing.
[00:24:02] AB: did your friends tell you, “Go to this clinic or that clinic or don’t go to this position ago that physician?”.
[00:24:12] YT: no because at the clinic that was going to before that, Duke Clinic, they transferred me to UNC clinic. Right away, I had a great service. And I decided to stick with it.
[00:24:45] Javier begins to cough
[00:25:16] AB: during your pregnancy, what was the most difficult time?
[00:25:47] YT the last 2 months were the most difficult because I was tired all the time. I had to work all the time.
Yareli remarks that she has been working at Elmo’s1 for a long time.
[00:26:27] AB: how has it been seeking health insurance for your son?
[00:26:43] AB: right away to give you all the forms like for Medicare so it is not been difficult.
[00:26:52] AB: has he been healthy
[00:26:57] YT: yes he has.
Adriann concludes the interview.