Alejandro X, pseud.
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Alejandro is a senior at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, double majoring in Biology and Spanish with a minor in Chemistry and hopes to go to medical school. He and his family are from Mexico and are currently living in Salisbury, North Carolina. Alejandro came to the United States when he was eleven years old and considers himself to have been brought up in American culture. In this interview, Alejandro discusses the family's move to the United States and the difficulties he has experienced as an undocumented immigrant. Alejandro talks about his frustration with the current political and legal situation of immigration in the United States, the obstacles undocumented students face trying to go to college and his hopes that his own legal status can be resolved in the future.R0482_Audio.mp3
Linda Herrera: Hi my name is Linda Herrera and I am interviewing Alejandro.
Today's date is April 2nd 2011 and the current time is 11:39[am]. We are in Ehringhaus
dorm in one of the study lounges on the sixth floor. I am here with Alejandro and I'm
going to let him consent.
Alejandro: I agree to all the terms that Linda has explained to me.
LH: Well first of all thank you very much for agreeing to participate in this
project. I would like to start by asking you a little bit about your family and where they
are from and stuff like that.
Alejandro: Well my family is from Mexico and I came to the U.S. eleven years
LH: How old were you when you came?
Alejandro: Eleven.
LH: Oh eleven, so you are--.
Alejandro: I am twenty two.
LH: Oh okay, just making sure. How was coming at that age and what were the
main reasons for coming?
Alejandro: The main reason is because my mom lost her job in Mexico. She had
been working for a bank for eighteen years, so it was unexpected when she got laid off.
We were in Mexico for a few months after she was laid off and then my aunt who was
here in the U.S. talked to my mom over the phone and was like "come to the U.S. and
what not." A few months later after she had not been working we decided to come to the
U.S.; it was January 2001,1 think.
LH: Was it just you and your mom?
Alejandro: My mom and my grandma.
LH: How was that for you? You say were eleven, so obviously you were
consciously aware of everything that was going on.
Alejandro: I remember on Christmas break, before we moved my mom went to
talk to my teachers in school and to tell them I was about to leave. So it was kind of- I
mean I was a little bit sad, but at the time I didn't really know what was going on. It was
just like an adventure, I was like..."going to the U.S."(Said by interviewer). It wasn't like
I was nervous, I was just following my mom because she is my mom so I was just doing
whatever she was doing.
LH: Definitely, you said you weren't really afraid or anything of that sort. Did
that change once you were in the United States?
Alejandro: No, but I didn't like- I mean it was just very different. I didn't have
any friends and I didn't speak English. It was just different, very different.
LH: Did you and your family migrate all together or was that a separate process
for all of you?
Alejandro: No, all together.
LH: How was that process for you?
Alejandro: It was nothing traumatic or anything. It was very fast and nothing
happened when we came here.
LH: So you got here. What part of the United States did you come to?
Alejandro: We came to Salisbury, North Carolina.
LH: Is that where you'currently live?
Alejandro: Well yea, I lived there until I finished high school and then I moved to
Chapel Hill to come to UNC.
LH: How was school for you at that age? You said you didn't have many friends.
It was a completely different environment, so how was assimilating to the American
culture/school system here?
Alejandro: [pause] At first, I didn't like it but then with time I started to like it
and I learned English. The first two years I did not know anything. I would go to class
and just sit there; I did not know what was going on. At the same time I was taking ESL
classes and you learn by listening to- the environment, that is how you learn English.
Then I learned English so I knew what they were talking about in class, but it's a
different environment. You can't compare the academic environment here to the one
Mexico, it's just completely different.
LH: Did you see any barriers that your family overall was experiencing and that
they definitely had to face?
Alejandro: Yes, with the kind of jobs that they had. It wasn't what my mom had
in Mexico so it was completely-. To see my mom working in a Mexican store when I
used to see her professional in Mexico; it was very different. Then my aunt and my
grandma working in hotels and factories, it's something that they never did in Mexico and
when they came here they had to.
LH: Definitely a different experience like you said. In classes during grade
school years how was that for you? You said you overcame the English barrier, how were
you as a student?
Alejandro: The first two years were horrible. I don't remember my grades, but it
wasn't what I was used to because in Mexico I was always top of my class. One thing
that I did notice was that a lot of the stuff that they were learning here I had already
learned it years before in Mexico. Especially with math, so in that since I was a little bit
ahead of them; but in English, science, and social studies I did not know what was going
LH: Was that a frustration for you?
Alejandro: No it didn't frustrate me because I would just sit in class and do
nothing. They would try to help me and I had another friend who was from El Salvador,
so it was just us two always talking in Spanish and trying to help each other out
[interviewer and interviewee giggle]. So that didn't frustrate me at that time because I
was only eleven and then you take everything for fun and you don't worry about it too
much. I wasn't happy though, I would have preferred to stay in Mexico; but you have to
adjust to your life.
LH: When did you start thinking about college? Was that something you came in
thinking with? Did you have the idea "I need to go to college" or was that something you
assimilated here?
Alejandro: No, I mean-like I said my parents went to college, so it was already
planned for me to go to college in Mexico. School always came first, so I assumed it was
something I was going to have to do. Now when I came here things were different, I
wasn't here legally. The whole process of coming to college here, it's a long story which
we'll talk about it.
LH: Definitely, so from what you said you did have the understanding that you
were going to go to college in Mexico; but coming here that was a different story because
of your status here in the United States. Is that correct?
Alejandro: Yes.
LH: So what was your fear? When did you start to realize that "okay I need to go
college here, but maybe it's going to be different?"
Alejandro: It wasn't fear, it was just like "what am I going to do now" [feeling].
Like I said I always dreamed of becoming someone, a doctor, so I wanted to keep
improving. Knowing about the legal/political situation in the U.S. right now, that was
really frustrating and it worries me a lot.
LH: So when you got to your junior year in high school, which is when you
typically start thinking of where to go to college, how was that process for you?
Alejandro: Actually I didn't think about it my junior year. I think I took the SAT-
-the whole thing was just like I'm going to do it because everyone else was doing it too. I
think it was my senior year when I took the SAT and that was because I was top ten of
my class in high school and everybody else was applying to college. My advisor asked
me where are you going to apply, I told her my situation straight out because I was very
open with her and I even still keep in touch with her. So she kind of made me apply to
college. I applied to three different colleges which they waived my applications for,
since I did not have money to pay for the application fees. That's the only reason why I
applied because they encouraged me to.
LH: You said you applied to three, what colleges?
Alejandro: NC State, Wake Forest, and UNC.
LH: Did you know of other difficulties you were going to face after getting
acceptance to these universities?
Alejandro: First I thought that they weren't going to accept me.
LH: Was there a reason why you thought that?
Alejandro: Because they ask for your social security. So I got into all three of
them and then once I got my acceptance letter they sent me letters asking for my social
security number or if I didn't have a social security number they wanted proof that I could
pay for college. They wanted a financial statement to see if I had money in a bank
account as proof that I could pay for my tuition. So when I got that I was like it's over
I'm not going to get in. Sorry that was before I got the acceptance letter because I think
they reviewed my application and saw that some things were missing, like social security
number, FAFSA(Free Application for Federal Student Aid), and all of that stuff. ( )
They sent me those letters and I never replied saying anything, so I figured they would
probably put my application aside. Later I got acceptance letters from all three of them.
LH: How did you feel about that?
Alejandro: I was really impressed, especially when I got the one from UNC
because I knew I wanted to go to there. That was actually the first one I got, then I got
NC State and Wake Forest.
LH: What pushed you to apply to these schools?
Alejandro: For UNC, it was kind of like okay everybody wants to go to UNC, so
it must be a good school. Everybody wanted to come, the top two people of my class
also wanted to come, so I figured it was a good school (interviewer giggles). Then I had
heard about NC State and back then I wanted to be an architect, so I knew that NC State
was good for architecture. Wake Forest it was just one of the top--. I remember I did do
my little research on the top ten schools in North Carolina and Wake Forest was one of
them, so I figured I would apply to it too.
LH: You said you were most excited when you got your UNC acceptance [letter],
is there a specific reason for that? Besides that it was your top choice.
Alejandro: That was my top choice. I was really happy because from the first
moment I didn't think I was going to get accepted because of my situation. So I thought
it was a big thing, not just being able to get in but--. They had an information session in
Charlotte on UNC for people who were applying and I went with my family. I had been
in touched with this girl from the admissions office and I had told her about my situation.
I think I was already accepted when I went to the information session (interviewee could
not exactly remember if he had been accepted yet or not). So I told her I think I got in,
but now I need to find money to pay for school because I was accepted as out of state.
She told me that there is a very small percentage of out of state people at UNC and just
being able to get in is a big accomplishment, so I was happy for that too. I was really,
really happy.
LH: I mean definitely, getting into one of the greatest schools here in North
Carolina and across the nation is great accomplishment. So what's the next step for you
then? Obviously it's trying to pay for college, so how did you go about that?
Alejandro: Well I came to UNC and I had small scholarships, but it didn't even
cover ten percent of the tuition because out-of-state is like $30,000 per year or something
like that. So I came to UNC and was like I'm just going to go and we'll see what
happens. If I can only be there for one semester and can't go back at least I had the
experience. So I came to UNC and as time passed I still didn't have the money. So I had
a stop when registering for next semester because I hadn't paid for the first semester
tuition. So when they put a stop to my account ( ) I knew it was over. You know, the
dream was over (interviewee laughs).
I remember it was during finals, it was that time where they were debating about
accepting undocumented students to community colleges. Back then they wanted to pass
a law that wouldn't allow them to go to community colleges. I saw that on the Daily
Tarheel and I never read the newspaper, I still don't [interviewer and interviewee both
giggle], but that day I was coming from a final and on my way to my room I grabbed the
paper. I think it was in the front page, well I don't remember if it was or not or why I
grabbed the newspaper. The thing is that I grabbed the newspaper and I read it. It was an
article about that, which also mentioned some people from UNC who were pro and who
didn't want that law to pass. So I figured that UNC was more pro-immigrants and that I
needed to speak up to see if I could find any help. So I grabbed some guy's name from
the newspaper who was from UNC and who had said something in the article. I looked
his email up in the UNC website and I emailed him my story and that I had read the
article in the newspaper. I also told him that I wanted help. He replied back and he was
like I don't know how to help you, but I'm going to forward your email to someone from
the financial aid office. Then that email was forwarded to the chancellor too, who was
Moeser at the time. I remember they replied to me and I think they were impressed by my
story so they told me they wanted to help me. They said "don't worry about it; just finish
your finals because you'll be back next semester, don't worry about the money." Then
right before Christmas they sent me an email saying that I was going to get a scholarship
for four years and that it was going to cover everything, expenses and all. I was going be
able to continue my studies at UNC; so I was really, really happy.
LH: How did that change?
Alejandro: Completely because I was already thinking about going back to
Mexico. Like I told you I didn't want to stay here without going to college cause school
has always been one of my priorities. I figure that if it doesn't work here, I can always go
back to my country and study there. So I was already thinking and making plans of going
back to Mexico and then this happened, it changed everything.
LH: Definitely, it changed your whole path of where you were going with your
career. So this is all your freshmen year?
Alejandro: Yes, first semester.
LH: Then you come back and you registered?
Alejandro: Yes, I registered during Christmas break and then after that everything
was normal.
LH: How was your first year here and more than anything your overall experience
at UNC? With regards to the campus community in general, how did you feel? [pause]
For example, did you feel part of the community or did you feel excluded?
Alejandro: No, I felt normal.
LH: You never felt anything different, per se?
Alejandro: No.
LH: What year are you?
Alejandro: Senior.
LH: A senior. So now it's been four years and you've been able to I guess not
worry so much about the financial situation, since thankfully you have a scholarship that
is paying for everything. So what has been your main focus here at UNC?
Alejandro: Academics. That has always been one of my priorities and getting
good grades because that is the only way I can show people my appreciation for this
scholarship. Just in general, I talk to them and meet with them all the time. Basically if
you want to prove to the people who are against it, you got to prove them with-prove
that not every undocumented person here in the U.S. is worthless, but that they are worth
it and that they have the potential to keep improving themselves. So if we give them the
opportunity- [pause]. The public has a misconception of deporting all undocumented
immigrants back to their country and what not, but they don't know that there are people
here who are good individuals who want to contribute to the country. But if they don't let
them then how are they supposed to prove that. So I've always had in my mind that I
want to do well in school that way I can prove to people that I have the potential to be
LH: I understand what you were trying to say. Basically, in a nutshell you are
trying to prove to them that you are here for the good reasons and that you're trying to
better yourself as an individual and that not everybody who is here is out to do things that
are what they call "illegal."
Alejandro: Not just to ( ), but to contribute to the country and my community.
This is my new home now and yes I was born in Mexico, but it's been eleven years. Half
of my life I have lived here and most of my memories and experiences have been here
too, so I consider this country my new home. Like I said I want to be a doctor, so if I
become a doctor I want be one for this country. I want to contribute to my community,
but people don't see that. They think that everyone who is here illegally is a bad person,
but that's not true.
LH: So do you think you have to prove yourself a lot more than other students
Alejandro: Yeah, well I don't think I have to prove to anyone. The biggest
challenge is with me. It's me, I have high standards. I've always [pause] asked myself a
LH: Asked yourself...?
Alejandro: Me pongo metas [pausa] como te dijere, grandes-. Me pregunto
mucho a mi mismo, como por ejemplo en una clase que hay veces es dificil y me cuesta
trabajo entender. Como en una clase de ciencia que es dificil. Pero digo no porque es
dificil no--, solo tengo que poner mas esfuerzo y me voy a los extremos y trato de--. Not
just because it's a hard class I'm going to give up, no, tengo que echarle mas ganas. Me
va a costar trabajo entonces yo mismo me digo "tienes que ponerle esfuerzo porque esta
oportunidad no la tiene cualquiera."
LH: Claro, te entiendo. [El entrevistador se rie un poco]
Alejandro: Do you know what I mean?
LH: Si te entiendo, empujarse no.
Alejandro: Empujarse porque mucha gente aqui dice " hay es diflcil, ugh I just
need to get a C to pass." I'm just not that kind of person. It's like oh it's a C and a C is not
me. I just think my situation has [pause] made me a little more mature at an earlier age. I
think differently from other college kids who are just trying to pass by, I don't because
once again it comes back to proving people that sometimes we have more motivation
than other people do.
LH: Yes I understand where you are trying to go and what you are trying to say.
Do you think here on campus students like you are not really present per se? I feel like a
lot of times they are living in the shadows of the different campuses around the nation in
general. How do you feel about that?
Alejandro: Well no, I don't think I live in the shadows. Most of my closest
friends know about my situation because I feel comfortable telling them. I don't feel like I
need to be telling everybody my situation because it's none of their business and they
might not even care. So I share my story with my closest friends and if I feel that it is
something that they should know. So in that sense, I don't feel like I live in the shadows.
LH: Do you think that the overall population of students in the same situation as
you, are living-not in the shadows, but are not represented well? Or is that people are
just not aware of them?
Alejandro: Well they are not aware of them because there's not a lot, there's very
few. I've only known three at UNC and they have already graduated. One graduated my
freshmen year, one my sophomore year and the other one my junior year. There are like
one in each year, so there's not a lot. That's the only ones that I know of, so if you think
one in how many people are per class 3,000 or I don't know-1,000 something. Let's use
1,000, so just one in 1,000 at UNC. There is not a lot. I don't know if it is because they
are living in the shadows or just because there are not a lot of them.
LH: You said you only know of three and they've all graduated. Do you feel like
maybe knowing about others would almost unite all of you to a certain extent or is it just
better being on your own?
Alejandro: I only became really good friends with one of them because the other
two I met when they were about to graduate, so I couldn't really develop a long
friendship and each case was very different. I remember that the guy was very like-he
was into some depression. Then the other girl, she went to a community college and then
she came to UNC. She had a girl, a husband, and went through domestic violence. So
her case was a lot different, every case was. The other girl-her case was also different.
Each case I looked at, I knew that they were having a hard time.
LH: Do you think you could relate to them since they were here at UNC? Or
were their situations too different to relate to?
Alejandro: Yea we could relate in that situation, but we had different life
experiences ( ).
LH: So now that you are a senior about to graduate in May, how is that? Is that
something you are looking forward to, I'm assuming? Or are you frustrated or scared of
what is going to happen next?
Alejandro: Oh I'm looking forward to it, but I'm really frustrated and scared
because I don't know what is going to happen. I haven't applied to med school. I haven't
taken the MCAT (Medical College Admission Test); well I haven't had time to study for
the MCAT. So it's a big-like I'm in a limbo where I don't know if I should take the
MCAT and apply because it can be a waste of money and a waste of time. Then para que
me digan que "oh you didn't get in." So I'm still thinking about what I am going to do
because you know medical school is different from undergrad. I don't know the whole
process of-what are the legal restrictions for me to go to medical school. Because I
know there's exams that you have to take and I think some of those exams are even for
the state. So it comes back to the state laws and it's very difficult; so I need to talk to
people about it. It's just really-I have heard of the cases about people going to college
for undergrad as undocumented individual, but I haven't heard of a lot of people going to
grad school as an undocumented. Do you know what I mean? So I'm really frustrated
because I don't know what to do.
LH: So you have no plans as of right now?
Alejandro: Well I applied to a program at UNC, a one year medical program. No
it's not medical school, but it's with the medical school and it's only for one year. It's a
radiology program and I got an interview, I'm just waiting to hear back from them. I just
did that because I don't want to just stay without doing anything because I want to be
doing something with my life. So it is really frustrating because I don't know what to do.
LH: So where is your frustration coming from, is it more of your status or is it
your grades?
Alejandro: No, not my grades. I have good grades. Como te dire, es como
[pausa] pensar-es un duda que tienes. Es decir aplico a la escuela pero nos sabes que
respuesta vas a recibir. ¿No se si me entiendes?
LH: No, si te entendio.
Alejandro: Es como muy [complejo], muy a lazar. Es como si todo es a la suerte.
Es como que okay I'm going to apply to ten schools or five and if I hear back from one of
them I'm going to be very surprised. You know what I mean? So my chances are very
small. And if I apply I'm going to apply to private schools since it's harder to get into
public schools because of the money and because the government is more in control.
LH: Have you thought about which schools you are going to apply to in the
Alejandro: I think about applying to private schools and Catholic schools. One
of them is Georgetown and another one is ( ) in New York. Like I said you have to
look for strategies, what schools are more pro-immigrant and people who are more
willing to help immigrants; but that doesn't mean that they can't because even if they
want to accept me, it goes back to the state laws. When the time to take the exams
comes, the school can give you all the education that they want to give you; but if you
can't take those exams than what's the point of going to medical school? Because you
have to take those exams in order to keep going to the next year or I don't know if--.
Each school is different. Sometimes you take one exam after two years to keep going to
the third year. Other times you take it after a year, so it's very complex.
LH: Definitely, it sounds really complex.
Alejandro: So even if they want to accept me-that's where my frustration comes
from. They want to accept me, but if the state laws don't permit me to take those exams
than what's the point of me going to medical school and they think about that too. That
spot can be given to another student who can take those exams, so why waste a spot with
LH: Yes because it is almost understandable, but at the same time it's like I have
the grades why not me.
Alejandro: But then the state laws.
LH: So I guess to those people who are not for letting undocumented students
pursue a higher education. What would you want to let them know? You know you've
definitely struggled and even though you struggled you've been able to accomplish a lot
of things so far. So to those people and just to the general public, what would you want
to tell them?
Alejandro: I would want to tell that I've known people who are U.S. citizens in
this country who don't want to-they don't care about college, they don't care about
contributing to their country. They don't care about it; they just want to graduate from
high school and work. Some of those people don't even want to work; sometimes they
just want live off the government. Because they are U.S. citizens they get all of those
privileges, but sometimes the government doesn't understand that their citizens are not
contributing to the country. They are more like a parasite that are living in the country.
That's not my case at all; I would never want to live off the government. I want my dream
of becoming someone, being professional by contributing and helping people. That's just
me though, not everybody wants to do that here. They don't, they just don't care. So the
government doesn't see that, they just see that everybody is an illegal immigrant who
doesn't want to pay taxes and who just wants to drink and drive drunk. They have all
these misconceptions and it's just not true, not everybody is like that.
LH: Thankfully you have been able to come to a great university such as UNC
and you are about to graduate and that's a great accomplishment. But how do you feel
about other students who unfortunately are not able to go to a college because maybe
they didn't get that scholarship that you got or maybe something happened that prevented
them [from going to college], so how do you feel about those students?
Alejandro: ( ) I know people from my school, none of them went to college
because they weren't here legally. I keep in touch with one girl from high school and she
seems very frustrated. She had dreams to- she wanted to be a doctor too. She wants to
be a doctor, but as far as I know she is just working in a factory and I feel bad for her
because I know she is really smart. She just didn't have the opportunity to go to college
because of her situation. So it makes me sad, but I don't know what to do. It just makes
me more frustrated than what I am already. I know this girl who is a U.S. citizen and she
was smart. She was very confident in high school. The last thing I heard about her is
that she doesn't work; she's just at home watching T.V. and living off her parents. That
frustrates me because I'm like "girl you have papers, do you know how many people
would want those papers to go to college and you have the chance to, but you don't take
advantage of it," seriously.
LH: With the whole law situation, how did you feel about the Dream Act which
didn't pass last year? How was that for you?
Alejandro: Really frustrating. Like when I hear about the Dream Act, I don't
even like to get into it because it's like-[pause] it's a dream, it's an ideal. I don't see it
passing anytime soon. With the whole Congress situation, after it changed in November
it's now more even. Before there were more chances because there were more
Democrats in Congress and it still didn't pass. Now there are more republicans, so I don't
see it passing anytime soon.
LH: Do you think there's maybe another option? Or something else that can
possibly help out undocumented students or do you just think the chances are really--?
Alejandro: They are really small; I don't really like to get my hopes up. [Pause]
Like I said I'm a type a person who-most of the time when I have had surprises I never
expected them to happen. Like when I got the scholarship for UNC, I never thought
about that. So I'm just kind of like what happens happens, if it doesn't oh well. What can I
do? I'm just very realistic.
LH: Understandable as to why you are so realistic. So are the chances, you think
very small for undocumented students unfortunately? What would your ideal be in your
situation? After you graduate per se?
Alejandro: Going to medical school would be my ideal thing.
LH: I don't know if you have younger siblings?
Alejandro: Yes, they are seven years old-both of them since they're twins.
LH: Aww, so they've been able to see a little and they're too young obviously.
Alejandro: They were born here.
LH: So their situation is...
LH and Alejandro: ...different.
LH: How does your family see your situation here?
Alejandro: They are very proud of me because they know I have gotten very far
despite everything. I told them that if it doesn't work here then I'm leaving to Mexico
because like said I'm not staying here without studying. I will probably just leave.
LH: Does that scare you?
Alejandro: It scares me because I don't have any friends there. If I were to leave
I would have to leave to a city and I'm not from the city. At the same time I would not
know anybody, it would just be like "hey." It's just as though I'm going to a whole new
country because I came here when I was eleven. Yes I've lived eleven years in each
country, but it's different when you live from year one to year eleven because your mind
is different than when you live from eleven to twenty-two years. So I am more
accustomed to American life than to the Hispanic/Latino/Mexican lifestyle.
LH: So are you determined that if something doesn't happen within the next year
or so you are going back?
Alejandro: I am going back. [Pause] It's scary because like I said, it's like going
to a new country. Just imagine you going to Venezuela. You've never been there so it's
scary, especially if you are going by yourself.
LH: Does your family approve?
Alejandro: They haven't told me anything, but I am determined to go either way.
I mean I don't think they would mine and it's not like I am doing something bad. I am
doing something better for myself.
LH: How do feel about working so hard and maybe considering going back to
Mexico? Does that frustrate you in any way? Doing your undergrad here obviously it's
been a struggle. There have been good things, but there have also been difficult
situations. Yes you graduate with a UNC degree, but what happens next? You said that
you are considering if something doesn't happen to go back to Mexico, so in the end what
was your hard work towards? How do you feel about that?
Alejandro: Well I don't think it's a waste of time because either way I am getting
my diploma and it's not like I wasted eleven years in this country. How many people
would want to have that degree and if going back to Mexico that degree is worth a lot
because a U.S. degree in any country reflects a lot. In that sense I am not--. Pienso en las
cosas malas, pero despues pienso en las buenas y digo esto no es el fin del mundo. Me da
miedo en el sentido que ya te dije, que no estado alii por once afios, no conozco a nadie.
Pero es mi pais, hablo espanol, se de la cultura mas o menos y llevo un diploma de este
pais. Entonces me frustra de que no puedo usarlo en este pais porque aqui es donde
quiero estar, pero siento que no perdi mi tiempo aqui. Imaginate si me voy a Mexico
despues de once afios y no he hecho nada, entonces si, es como que hice once afios en
este pais.
LH: Lo bueno es que no te das por vencido y que estas determinado en hacer algo
ya sea aqui o en Mexico. Yo pienso que todo lo que has podido lograr hasta ahora es
algo no que no solamente tu debes de estar orgulloso, pero como tu dices tambien tu
familia. Pienso que otros estudiantes y la gente de esta comunidad deberia de estar mas
consiente que hay estudiantes como tu que se esfuerzan hasta lo maximo. Tal vez mucho
mas que otros estudiantes o que yo. Donde hay veces uno no es enfoca por decir-si se
enfoca en los estudios pero uno no tiene que pensar en que va pasar en el dia de manana
porque eso no es nuestra preocupacion. Entonces es algo de que uno debe de ver y
admirar. Yo en lo personal lo admiro mucho en ese sentido. Creo que nemos llegado al
final de la entrevista, ¿no se si quieras agregar algo mas o algo que quieras compartir?
Alejandro: No, esta bien.
LH: Bueno muchas gracias por tu tiempo. Te agradezco que tomes esta hora de tu
tiempo para compartir tu historia con nosotros, gracias.
Today's date is April 2nd 2011 and the current time is 11:39[am]. We are in Ehringhaus
dorm in one of the study lounges on the sixth floor. I am here with Alejandro and I'm
going to let him consent.
Alejandro: I agree to all the terms that Linda has explained to me.
LH: Well first of all thank you very much for agreeing to participate in this
project. I would like to start by asking you a little bit about your family and where they
are from and stuff like that.
Alejandro: Well my family is from Mexico and I came to the U.S. eleven years
LH: How old were you when you came?
Alejandro: Eleven.
LH: Oh eleven, so you are--.
Alejandro: I am twenty two.
LH: Oh okay, just making sure. How was coming at that age and what were the
main reasons for coming?
Alejandro: The main reason is because my mom lost her job in Mexico. She had
been working for a bank for eighteen years, so it was unexpected when she got laid off.
We were in Mexico for a few months after she was laid off and then my aunt who was
here in the U.S. talked to my mom over the phone and was like "come to the U.S. and
what not." A few months later after she had not been working we decided to come to the
U.S.; it was January 2001,1 think.
LH: Was it just you and your mom?
Alejandro: My mom and my grandma.
LH: How was that for you? You say were eleven, so obviously you were
consciously aware of everything that was going on.
Alejandro: I remember on Christmas break, before we moved my mom went to
talk to my teachers in school and to tell them I was about to leave. So it was kind of- I
mean I was a little bit sad, but at the time I didn't really know what was going on. It was
just like an adventure, I was like..."going to the U.S."(Said by interviewer). It wasn't like
I was nervous, I was just following my mom because she is my mom so I was just doing
whatever she was doing.
LH: Definitely, you said you weren't really afraid or anything of that sort. Did
that change once you were in the United States?
Alejandro: No, but I didn't like- I mean it was just very different. I didn't have
any friends and I didn't speak English. It was just different, very different.
LH: Did you and your family migrate all together or was that a separate process
for all of you?
Alejandro: No, all together.
LH: How was that process for you?
Alejandro: It was nothing traumatic or anything. It was very fast and nothing
happened when we came here.
LH: So you got here. What part of the United States did you come to?
Alejandro: We came to Salisbury, North Carolina.
LH: Is that where you'currently live?
Alejandro: Well yea, I lived there until I finished high school and then I moved to
Chapel Hill to come to UNC.
LH: How was school for you at that age? You said you didn't have many friends.
It was a completely different environment, so how was assimilating to the American
culture/school system here?
Alejandro: [pause] At first, I didn't like it but then with time I started to like it
and I learned English. The first two years I did not know anything. I would go to class
and just sit there; I did not know what was going on. At the same time I was taking ESL
classes and you learn by listening to- the environment, that is how you learn English.
Then I learned English so I knew what they were talking about in class, but it's a
different environment. You can't compare the academic environment here to the one
Mexico, it's just completely different.
LH: Did you see any barriers that your family overall was experiencing and that
they definitely had to face?
Alejandro: Yes, with the kind of jobs that they had. It wasn't what my mom had
in Mexico so it was completely-. To see my mom working in a Mexican store when I
used to see her professional in Mexico; it was very different. Then my aunt and my
grandma working in hotels and factories, it's something that they never did in Mexico and
when they came here they had to.
LH: Definitely a different experience like you said. In classes during grade
school years how was that for you? You said you overcame the English barrier, how were
you as a student?
Alejandro: The first two years were horrible. I don't remember my grades, but it
wasn't what I was used to because in Mexico I was always top of my class. One thing
that I did notice was that a lot of the stuff that they were learning here I had already
learned it years before in Mexico. Especially with math, so in that since I was a little bit
ahead of them; but in English, science, and social studies I did not know what was going
LH: Was that a frustration for you?
Alejandro: No it didn't frustrate me because I would just sit in class and do
nothing. They would try to help me and I had another friend who was from El Salvador,
so it was just us two always talking in Spanish and trying to help each other out
[interviewer and interviewee giggle]. So that didn't frustrate me at that time because I
was only eleven and then you take everything for fun and you don't worry about it too
much. I wasn't happy though, I would have preferred to stay in Mexico; but you have to
adjust to your life.
LH: When did you start thinking about college? Was that something you came in
thinking with? Did you have the idea "I need to go to college" or was that something you
assimilated here?
Alejandro: No, I mean-like I said my parents went to college, so it was already
planned for me to go to college in Mexico. School always came first, so I assumed it was
something I was going to have to do. Now when I came here things were different, I
wasn't here legally. The whole process of coming to college here, it's a long story which
we'll talk about it.
LH: Definitely, so from what you said you did have the understanding that you
were going to go to college in Mexico; but coming here that was a different story because
of your status here in the United States. Is that correct?
Alejandro: Yes.
LH: So what was your fear? When did you start to realize that "okay I need to go
college here, but maybe it's going to be different?"
Alejandro: It wasn't fear, it was just like "what am I going to do now" [feeling].
Like I said I always dreamed of becoming someone, a doctor, so I wanted to keep
improving. Knowing about the legal/political situation in the U.S. right now, that was
really frustrating and it worries me a lot.
LH: So when you got to your junior year in high school, which is when you
typically start thinking of where to go to college, how was that process for you?
Alejandro: Actually I didn't think about it my junior year. I think I took the SAT-
-the whole thing was just like I'm going to do it because everyone else was doing it too. I
think it was my senior year when I took the SAT and that was because I was top ten of
my class in high school and everybody else was applying to college. My advisor asked
me where are you going to apply, I told her my situation straight out because I was very
open with her and I even still keep in touch with her. So she kind of made me apply to
college. I applied to three different colleges which they waived my applications for,
since I did not have money to pay for the application fees. That's the only reason why I
applied because they encouraged me to.
LH: You said you applied to three, what colleges?
Alejandro: NC State, Wake Forest, and UNC.
LH: Did you know of other difficulties you were going to face after getting
acceptance to these universities?
Alejandro: First I thought that they weren't going to accept me.
LH: Was there a reason why you thought that?
Alejandro: Because they ask for your social security. So I got into all three of
them and then once I got my acceptance letter they sent me letters asking for my social
security number or if I didn't have a social security number they wanted proof that I could
pay for college. They wanted a financial statement to see if I had money in a bank
account as proof that I could pay for my tuition. So when I got that I was like it's over
I'm not going to get in. Sorry that was before I got the acceptance letter because I think
they reviewed my application and saw that some things were missing, like social security
number, FAFSA(Free Application for Federal Student Aid), and all of that stuff. ( )
They sent me those letters and I never replied saying anything, so I figured they would
probably put my application aside. Later I got acceptance letters from all three of them.
LH: How did you feel about that?
Alejandro: I was really impressed, especially when I got the one from UNC
because I knew I wanted to go to there. That was actually the first one I got, then I got
NC State and Wake Forest.
LH: What pushed you to apply to these schools?
Alejandro: For UNC, it was kind of like okay everybody wants to go to UNC, so
it must be a good school. Everybody wanted to come, the top two people of my class
also wanted to come, so I figured it was a good school (interviewer giggles). Then I had
heard about NC State and back then I wanted to be an architect, so I knew that NC State
was good for architecture. Wake Forest it was just one of the top--. I remember I did do
my little research on the top ten schools in North Carolina and Wake Forest was one of
them, so I figured I would apply to it too.
LH: You said you were most excited when you got your UNC acceptance [letter],
is there a specific reason for that? Besides that it was your top choice.
Alejandro: That was my top choice. I was really happy because from the first
moment I didn't think I was going to get accepted because of my situation. So I thought
it was a big thing, not just being able to get in but--. They had an information session in
Charlotte on UNC for people who were applying and I went with my family. I had been
in touched with this girl from the admissions office and I had told her about my situation.
I think I was already accepted when I went to the information session (interviewee could
not exactly remember if he had been accepted yet or not). So I told her I think I got in,
but now I need to find money to pay for school because I was accepted as out of state.
She told me that there is a very small percentage of out of state people at UNC and just
being able to get in is a big accomplishment, so I was happy for that too. I was really,
really happy.
LH: I mean definitely, getting into one of the greatest schools here in North
Carolina and across the nation is great accomplishment. So what's the next step for you
then? Obviously it's trying to pay for college, so how did you go about that?
Alejandro: Well I came to UNC and I had small scholarships, but it didn't even
cover ten percent of the tuition because out-of-state is like $30,000 per year or something
like that. So I came to UNC and was like I'm just going to go and we'll see what
happens. If I can only be there for one semester and can't go back at least I had the
experience. So I came to UNC and as time passed I still didn't have the money. So I had
a stop when registering for next semester because I hadn't paid for the first semester
tuition. So when they put a stop to my account ( ) I knew it was over. You know, the
dream was over (interviewee laughs).
I remember it was during finals, it was that time where they were debating about
accepting undocumented students to community colleges. Back then they wanted to pass
a law that wouldn't allow them to go to community colleges. I saw that on the Daily
Tarheel and I never read the newspaper, I still don't [interviewer and interviewee both
giggle], but that day I was coming from a final and on my way to my room I grabbed the
paper. I think it was in the front page, well I don't remember if it was or not or why I
grabbed the newspaper. The thing is that I grabbed the newspaper and I read it. It was an
article about that, which also mentioned some people from UNC who were pro and who
didn't want that law to pass. So I figured that UNC was more pro-immigrants and that I
needed to speak up to see if I could find any help. So I grabbed some guy's name from
the newspaper who was from UNC and who had said something in the article. I looked
his email up in the UNC website and I emailed him my story and that I had read the
article in the newspaper. I also told him that I wanted help. He replied back and he was
like I don't know how to help you, but I'm going to forward your email to someone from
the financial aid office. Then that email was forwarded to the chancellor too, who was
Moeser at the time. I remember they replied to me and I think they were impressed by my
story so they told me they wanted to help me. They said "don't worry about it; just finish
your finals because you'll be back next semester, don't worry about the money." Then
right before Christmas they sent me an email saying that I was going to get a scholarship
for four years and that it was going to cover everything, expenses and all. I was going be
able to continue my studies at UNC; so I was really, really happy.
LH: How did that change?
Alejandro: Completely because I was already thinking about going back to
Mexico. Like I told you I didn't want to stay here without going to college cause school
has always been one of my priorities. I figure that if it doesn't work here, I can always go
back to my country and study there. So I was already thinking and making plans of going
back to Mexico and then this happened, it changed everything.
LH: Definitely, it changed your whole path of where you were going with your
career. So this is all your freshmen year?
Alejandro: Yes, first semester.
LH: Then you come back and you registered?
Alejandro: Yes, I registered during Christmas break and then after that everything
was normal.
LH: How was your first year here and more than anything your overall experience
at UNC? With regards to the campus community in general, how did you feel? [pause]
For example, did you feel part of the community or did you feel excluded?
Alejandro: No, I felt normal.
LH: You never felt anything different, per se?
Alejandro: No.
LH: What year are you?
Alejandro: Senior.
LH: A senior. So now it's been four years and you've been able to I guess not
worry so much about the financial situation, since thankfully you have a scholarship that
is paying for everything. So what has been your main focus here at UNC?
Alejandro: Academics. That has always been one of my priorities and getting
good grades because that is the only way I can show people my appreciation for this
scholarship. Just in general, I talk to them and meet with them all the time. Basically if
you want to prove to the people who are against it, you got to prove them with-prove
that not every undocumented person here in the U.S. is worthless, but that they are worth
it and that they have the potential to keep improving themselves. So if we give them the
opportunity- [pause]. The public has a misconception of deporting all undocumented
immigrants back to their country and what not, but they don't know that there are people
here who are good individuals who want to contribute to the country. But if they don't let
them then how are they supposed to prove that. So I've always had in my mind that I
want to do well in school that way I can prove to people that I have the potential to be
LH: I understand what you were trying to say. Basically, in a nutshell you are
trying to prove to them that you are here for the good reasons and that you're trying to
better yourself as an individual and that not everybody who is here is out to do things that
are what they call "illegal."
Alejandro: Not just to ( ), but to contribute to the country and my community.
This is my new home now and yes I was born in Mexico, but it's been eleven years. Half
of my life I have lived here and most of my memories and experiences have been here
too, so I consider this country my new home. Like I said I want to be a doctor, so if I
become a doctor I want be one for this country. I want to contribute to my community,
but people don't see that. They think that everyone who is here illegally is a bad person,
but that's not true.
LH: So do you think you have to prove yourself a lot more than other students
Alejandro: Yeah, well I don't think I have to prove to anyone. The biggest
challenge is with me. It's me, I have high standards. I've always [pause] asked myself a
LH: Asked yourself...?
Alejandro: Me pongo metas [pausa] como te dijere, grandes-. Me pregunto
mucho a mi mismo, como por ejemplo en una clase que hay veces es dificil y me cuesta
trabajo entender. Como en una clase de ciencia que es dificil. Pero digo no porque es
dificil no--, solo tengo que poner mas esfuerzo y me voy a los extremos y trato de--. Not
just because it's a hard class I'm going to give up, no, tengo que echarle mas ganas. Me
va a costar trabajo entonces yo mismo me digo "tienes que ponerle esfuerzo porque esta
oportunidad no la tiene cualquiera."
LH: Claro, te entiendo. [El entrevistador se rie un poco]
Alejandro: Do you know what I mean?
LH: Si te entiendo, empujarse no.
Alejandro: Empujarse porque mucha gente aqui dice " hay es diflcil, ugh I just
need to get a C to pass." I'm just not that kind of person. It's like oh it's a C and a C is not
me. I just think my situation has [pause] made me a little more mature at an earlier age. I
think differently from other college kids who are just trying to pass by, I don't because
once again it comes back to proving people that sometimes we have more motivation
than other people do.
LH: Yes I understand where you are trying to go and what you are trying to say.
Do you think here on campus students like you are not really present per se? I feel like a
lot of times they are living in the shadows of the different campuses around the nation in
general. How do you feel about that?
Alejandro: Well no, I don't think I live in the shadows. Most of my closest
friends know about my situation because I feel comfortable telling them. I don't feel like I
need to be telling everybody my situation because it's none of their business and they
might not even care. So I share my story with my closest friends and if I feel that it is
something that they should know. So in that sense, I don't feel like I live in the shadows.
LH: Do you think that the overall population of students in the same situation as
you, are living-not in the shadows, but are not represented well? Or is that people are
just not aware of them?
Alejandro: Well they are not aware of them because there's not a lot, there's very
few. I've only known three at UNC and they have already graduated. One graduated my
freshmen year, one my sophomore year and the other one my junior year. There are like
one in each year, so there's not a lot. That's the only ones that I know of, so if you think
one in how many people are per class 3,000 or I don't know-1,000 something. Let's use
1,000, so just one in 1,000 at UNC. There is not a lot. I don't know if it is because they
are living in the shadows or just because there are not a lot of them.
LH: You said you only know of three and they've all graduated. Do you feel like
maybe knowing about others would almost unite all of you to a certain extent or is it just
better being on your own?
Alejandro: I only became really good friends with one of them because the other
two I met when they were about to graduate, so I couldn't really develop a long
friendship and each case was very different. I remember that the guy was very like-he
was into some depression. Then the other girl, she went to a community college and then
she came to UNC. She had a girl, a husband, and went through domestic violence. So
her case was a lot different, every case was. The other girl-her case was also different.
Each case I looked at, I knew that they were having a hard time.
LH: Do you think you could relate to them since they were here at UNC? Or
were their situations too different to relate to?
Alejandro: Yea we could relate in that situation, but we had different life
experiences ( ).
LH: So now that you are a senior about to graduate in May, how is that? Is that
something you are looking forward to, I'm assuming? Or are you frustrated or scared of
what is going to happen next?
Alejandro: Oh I'm looking forward to it, but I'm really frustrated and scared
because I don't know what is going to happen. I haven't applied to med school. I haven't
taken the MCAT (Medical College Admission Test); well I haven't had time to study for
the MCAT. So it's a big-like I'm in a limbo where I don't know if I should take the
MCAT and apply because it can be a waste of money and a waste of time. Then para que
me digan que "oh you didn't get in." So I'm still thinking about what I am going to do
because you know medical school is different from undergrad. I don't know the whole
process of-what are the legal restrictions for me to go to medical school. Because I
know there's exams that you have to take and I think some of those exams are even for
the state. So it comes back to the state laws and it's very difficult; so I need to talk to
people about it. It's just really-I have heard of the cases about people going to college
for undergrad as undocumented individual, but I haven't heard of a lot of people going to
grad school as an undocumented. Do you know what I mean? So I'm really frustrated
because I don't know what to do.
LH: So you have no plans as of right now?
Alejandro: Well I applied to a program at UNC, a one year medical program. No
it's not medical school, but it's with the medical school and it's only for one year. It's a
radiology program and I got an interview, I'm just waiting to hear back from them. I just
did that because I don't want to just stay without doing anything because I want to be
doing something with my life. So it is really frustrating because I don't know what to do.
LH: So where is your frustration coming from, is it more of your status or is it
your grades?
Alejandro: No, not my grades. I have good grades. Como te dire, es como
[pausa] pensar-es un duda que tienes. Es decir aplico a la escuela pero nos sabes que
respuesta vas a recibir. ¿No se si me entiendes?
LH: No, si te entendio.
Alejandro: Es como muy [complejo], muy a lazar. Es como si todo es a la suerte.
Es como que okay I'm going to apply to ten schools or five and if I hear back from one of
them I'm going to be very surprised. You know what I mean? So my chances are very
small. And if I apply I'm going to apply to private schools since it's harder to get into
public schools because of the money and because the government is more in control.
LH: Have you thought about which schools you are going to apply to in the
Alejandro: I think about applying to private schools and Catholic schools. One
of them is Georgetown and another one is ( ) in New York. Like I said you have to
look for strategies, what schools are more pro-immigrant and people who are more
willing to help immigrants; but that doesn't mean that they can't because even if they
want to accept me, it goes back to the state laws. When the time to take the exams
comes, the school can give you all the education that they want to give you; but if you
can't take those exams than what's the point of going to medical school? Because you
have to take those exams in order to keep going to the next year or I don't know if--.
Each school is different. Sometimes you take one exam after two years to keep going to
the third year. Other times you take it after a year, so it's very complex.
LH: Definitely, it sounds really complex.
Alejandro: So even if they want to accept me-that's where my frustration comes
from. They want to accept me, but if the state laws don't permit me to take those exams
than what's the point of me going to medical school and they think about that too. That
spot can be given to another student who can take those exams, so why waste a spot with
LH: Yes because it is almost understandable, but at the same time it's like I have
the grades why not me.
Alejandro: But then the state laws.
LH: So I guess to those people who are not for letting undocumented students
pursue a higher education. What would you want to let them know? You know you've
definitely struggled and even though you struggled you've been able to accomplish a lot
of things so far. So to those people and just to the general public, what would you want
to tell them?
Alejandro: I would want to tell that I've known people who are U.S. citizens in
this country who don't want to-they don't care about college, they don't care about
contributing to their country. They don't care about it; they just want to graduate from
high school and work. Some of those people don't even want to work; sometimes they
just want live off the government. Because they are U.S. citizens they get all of those
privileges, but sometimes the government doesn't understand that their citizens are not
contributing to the country. They are more like a parasite that are living in the country.
That's not my case at all; I would never want to live off the government. I want my dream
of becoming someone, being professional by contributing and helping people. That's just
me though, not everybody wants to do that here. They don't, they just don't care. So the
government doesn't see that, they just see that everybody is an illegal immigrant who
doesn't want to pay taxes and who just wants to drink and drive drunk. They have all
these misconceptions and it's just not true, not everybody is like that.
LH: Thankfully you have been able to come to a great university such as UNC
and you are about to graduate and that's a great accomplishment. But how do you feel
about other students who unfortunately are not able to go to a college because maybe
they didn't get that scholarship that you got or maybe something happened that prevented
them [from going to college], so how do you feel about those students?
Alejandro: ( ) I know people from my school, none of them went to college
because they weren't here legally. I keep in touch with one girl from high school and she
seems very frustrated. She had dreams to- she wanted to be a doctor too. She wants to
be a doctor, but as far as I know she is just working in a factory and I feel bad for her
because I know she is really smart. She just didn't have the opportunity to go to college
because of her situation. So it makes me sad, but I don't know what to do. It just makes
me more frustrated than what I am already. I know this girl who is a U.S. citizen and she
was smart. She was very confident in high school. The last thing I heard about her is
that she doesn't work; she's just at home watching T.V. and living off her parents. That
frustrates me because I'm like "girl you have papers, do you know how many people
would want those papers to go to college and you have the chance to, but you don't take
advantage of it," seriously.
LH: With the whole law situation, how did you feel about the Dream Act which
didn't pass last year? How was that for you?
Alejandro: Really frustrating. Like when I hear about the Dream Act, I don't
even like to get into it because it's like-[pause] it's a dream, it's an ideal. I don't see it
passing anytime soon. With the whole Congress situation, after it changed in November
it's now more even. Before there were more chances because there were more
Democrats in Congress and it still didn't pass. Now there are more republicans, so I don't
see it passing anytime soon.
LH: Do you think there's maybe another option? Or something else that can
possibly help out undocumented students or do you just think the chances are really--?
Alejandro: They are really small; I don't really like to get my hopes up. [Pause]
Like I said I'm a type a person who-most of the time when I have had surprises I never
expected them to happen. Like when I got the scholarship for UNC, I never thought
about that. So I'm just kind of like what happens happens, if it doesn't oh well. What can I
do? I'm just very realistic.
LH: Understandable as to why you are so realistic. So are the chances, you think
very small for undocumented students unfortunately? What would your ideal be in your
situation? After you graduate per se?
Alejandro: Going to medical school would be my ideal thing.
LH: I don't know if you have younger siblings?
Alejandro: Yes, they are seven years old-both of them since they're twins.
LH: Aww, so they've been able to see a little and they're too young obviously.
Alejandro: They were born here.
LH: So their situation is...
LH and Alejandro: ...different.
LH: How does your family see your situation here?
Alejandro: They are very proud of me because they know I have gotten very far
despite everything. I told them that if it doesn't work here then I'm leaving to Mexico
because like said I'm not staying here without studying. I will probably just leave.
LH: Does that scare you?
Alejandro: It scares me because I don't have any friends there. If I were to leave
I would have to leave to a city and I'm not from the city. At the same time I would not
know anybody, it would just be like "hey." It's just as though I'm going to a whole new
country because I came here when I was eleven. Yes I've lived eleven years in each
country, but it's different when you live from year one to year eleven because your mind
is different than when you live from eleven to twenty-two years. So I am more
accustomed to American life than to the Hispanic/Latino/Mexican lifestyle.
LH: So are you determined that if something doesn't happen within the next year
or so you are going back?
Alejandro: I am going back. [Pause] It's scary because like I said, it's like going
to a new country. Just imagine you going to Venezuela. You've never been there so it's
scary, especially if you are going by yourself.
LH: Does your family approve?
Alejandro: They haven't told me anything, but I am determined to go either way.
I mean I don't think they would mine and it's not like I am doing something bad. I am
doing something better for myself.
LH: How do feel about working so hard and maybe considering going back to
Mexico? Does that frustrate you in any way? Doing your undergrad here obviously it's
been a struggle. There have been good things, but there have also been difficult
situations. Yes you graduate with a UNC degree, but what happens next? You said that
you are considering if something doesn't happen to go back to Mexico, so in the end what
was your hard work towards? How do you feel about that?
Alejandro: Well I don't think it's a waste of time because either way I am getting
my diploma and it's not like I wasted eleven years in this country. How many people
would want to have that degree and if going back to Mexico that degree is worth a lot
because a U.S. degree in any country reflects a lot. In that sense I am not--. Pienso en las
cosas malas, pero despues pienso en las buenas y digo esto no es el fin del mundo. Me da
miedo en el sentido que ya te dije, que no estado alii por once afios, no conozco a nadie.
Pero es mi pais, hablo espanol, se de la cultura mas o menos y llevo un diploma de este
pais. Entonces me frustra de que no puedo usarlo en este pais porque aqui es donde
quiero estar, pero siento que no perdi mi tiempo aqui. Imaginate si me voy a Mexico
despues de once afios y no he hecho nada, entonces si, es como que hice once afios en
este pais.
LH: Lo bueno es que no te das por vencido y que estas determinado en hacer algo
ya sea aqui o en Mexico. Yo pienso que todo lo que has podido lograr hasta ahora es
algo no que no solamente tu debes de estar orgulloso, pero como tu dices tambien tu
familia. Pienso que otros estudiantes y la gente de esta comunidad deberia de estar mas
consiente que hay estudiantes como tu que se esfuerzan hasta lo maximo. Tal vez mucho
mas que otros estudiantes o que yo. Donde hay veces uno no es enfoca por decir-si se
enfoca en los estudios pero uno no tiene que pensar en que va pasar en el dia de manana
porque eso no es nuestra preocupacion. Entonces es algo de que uno debe de ver y
admirar. Yo en lo personal lo admiro mucho en ese sentido. Creo que nemos llegado al
final de la entrevista, ¿no se si quieras agregar algo mas o algo que quieras compartir?
Alejandro: No, esta bien.
LH: Bueno muchas gracias por tu tiempo. Te agradezco que tomes esta hora de tu
tiempo para compartir tu historia con nosotros, gracias.