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- Interviewer contains "Rich, Chessa."
Teresa Camacho Cardenas is a Mexican immigrant who lives in Chapel Hill, North Carolina. She grew up in Guanajuanto, Mexico in a family of twelve. Her father abandoned the family so Cardenas had to begin working at a young age to support the family. She moved to Texas with her aunt to find a better job and worked there for fours years. Cardenas…
Leonor Guijón is an immigrant from a small rancho called San Pablo Pejo in the state of Guanajuato, Mexico. San Pablo Pejo is a farming town where most of the men travel frequently between the United States and Mexico to earn a living for their families. Guijón left school at the sixth level of elementary school because she felt she was a burden on…
Guillermina Castillo is an immigrant from Veracruz, Mexico. Castillo's father died when she was very young so she, her sisters and her mother worked a variety of jobs to sustain the family. In Mexico, Castillo worked as a butcher, saleswoman and a farmer. She came to the United States upon the suggestion of her nephew when her mother was sick. Her…