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The interview was organized around a few major themes. These include views or stereotypes of Latinos, views or stereotypes of immigration, the origin of views on these topics, the mass media’s impact on common views of immigration, and how North Carolinians may or may not have different views on this topic from people in other parts of the country.…
The interview was organized around the themes of home and family in the context of migration. Maria Dolores Vargas discusses her motivation for coming to the United States, her experience building a life and family in Carrboro, N.C., her conceptualization of home, and her family aspirations. She shares a variety of her experiences with…
The interview was organized around a few major themes, particularly as they apply to Raleigh and Durham, in North Carolina. These include Mark Schultz’s background information, his experience working in the journalism field, his work with the bilingual column “Nuestro Pueblo,” how the Latino population has been portrayed in the media, the struggles…
The interview was organized around Jose Antonio Garcia Perez’s reasons for immigrating to the United States from Mexico and his goals for his future. He describes how in the beginning he only knew one person in the United States, his brother-in-law, who gathered the money to make his journey here possible. Currently holding two jobs in Carrboro,…
Primavera is a Mexican immigrant who arrived in Durham, North Carolina nine years ago. In this interview she talks about her life in Mexico, her experience in a new country and her perspective on various topics, including family, cultural differences between the United States and Mexico, and differences between genders. She also mentions her work…
José Francisco González Martinez begins by answering questions about his work experience in Carrboro, N.C. He has worked as a day laborer and is currently working in cleaning offices. As a day laborer, he has never personally experienced wage theft and describes the good relationships that he has had with his bosses and the decent wages he has…
Daniel Ibáñez is an undergraduate student at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Ibáñez came to the United States to earn his bachelor’s degree. The interview was organized around a few important topics, including Daniel Ibáñez’s life in El Salvador, the reasons why people migrate from El Salvador to the United States and the…
Luzma Henao is a second grade teaching assistant who arrived in Chapel Hill, North Carolina in 1998. She is originally from Colombia, Medellín where she worked for the University of Antioquia. Luzma discusses her motivations for moving to the United States, her experiences working for thirteen years in the Carrboro-Chapel Hill school system, the…
Themes include Cyndi Allison's personal experiences in North Carolina, how the Latino Population has changed throughout her life, stereotypes associated with Latinos in North Carolina, origins of these stereotypes, how the media portrays Latinos, how the media decides what stories are news worthy, and how the media’s portrayal of Latinos impacts…
Sandro Pinheiro was born in Fortaleza, Brazil and moved to the United States when he was twenty-one to attend graduate school in Michigan. He received his PhD in Adult and Continuing Education and has worked for Compassion International, Michigan State University, the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and Duke University, where he still…